For Inquiries, please call: 612-886-3455

or email us here:

Ensuring you're in tip-top shape
senior man and caregiver smiling

Having a medical condition usually means constant monitoring which can get in the way of enjoying your every day to the fullest. Don’t let this happen; enlist our health services and ensure:

  • Hands-on assistance with transfers and mobility
  • Hospice and respite care
  • Providing eating assistance for clients with complicating eating problems (i. e difficulty swallowing, recurrent lung aspiration, or requiring the use of a tube, parenteral or intravenous instrument)
  • Medication management systems. This includes providing verbal or visual reminders to take regularly scheduled medication (i.e., bringing clients previously set-up medication, medication in original containers, or liquid or food to accompany the medication)
  • Providing verbal or visual reminders to perform regularly scheduled treatments and exercises
  • Routine health monitoring by a licensed nurse: weight monitoring, vital signs, diabetic monitoring, etc.
  • Routine rounds conducted by outside healthcare professionals including:
    • Podiatrist
    • Dental hygienist
    • Physical therapist
    • Audiologist
    • Ophthalmologist
    • General practitioner
group of seniors with caregiver smiling

Eligibility for Senior Care

Find out if your elderly loved one is eligible for our services now! [ Click Here ]